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The innovative framework to boost small businesses’ reputaction

Project synopsis <-

RepUtAction helps small businesses build strong reputations with training, tools, and support to boost growth and sustainability.

Project impact <-
Reputation is the cornerstone of success. Build it wisely, and growth will follow!


The first activity serves as the overseeing and monitoring entity for all project activities, ensuring the smooth operation of the project in both implementation and financial aspects. Its primary purpose is to maintain effective management and control throughout the project lifecycle.
This activity includes supervising the execution of tasks, tracking progress, and overseeing financial resources. By providing comprehensive oversight, this activity ensures that the project operates efficiently and achieves its objectives effectively.
To accomplish this, key documents such as the Project Management Handbook, the Quality Assurance Plan and the Risk Management Plan are developed under this activity. These tools will be used as guiedelines thoughout the project’s duration, ensuring the project’s quality, transparency, and accountability, while fostering a structured and reliable approach to project management.

Activity 2 primarily focuses on identifing skills gaps in the context of corporate reputation. This preliminary investigation will form the basis for the development of the training materials. Through a Gap Analysis, partners will explore international best practices and survey the challeges faced by small businesses in managing corporate reputation. This analysis will lead to the creation of an innovative Training Curriculum, aimed at leaders of micro and small entreprises and startups.
The training program will consist of 3 modules, namely Market-Oriented Reputation, Business Reputation in Public Relations, Online Reputation and Credibility Strategies. The curriculum align with EU frameworks (Europass, ECVET, EQF), and adopt a blended methodology of online and face-to-face learning. The curriculul will be accessed though the RepUtAction Learning Hub. By addressing skill gaps, fostering corporate credibility, and promoting sustainable business practices, Activity 2 aims to enefit MSMEs, startups, and a broader network of professional stakeholders, including VET providers.

Read the Transnational Analysis Report (TAR) of the RepUtAction project, analyzing skill gaps in SMEs, start-ups, and business associations in Italy, Portugal, and Greece, with a focus on corporate reputation management.

Read Here!

The RepUtAction Learning Hub is the 3rd activity of the project, offering asynchronous training based on the training curriculum developed in the previous activity. The Learning hub will make the training program free of charge and open to users at any time, even after the end of the project. Τhe learning modules from Activity 2 will be enriched with video lectures, readings and self-assessment quizzes alongside interactive forums for engagement with the trainers and peers.

The Learning Hub primarily targets leaders of micro and small enterprises, start-ups, and VET providers, while also benefiting consultancy companies, SME associations, and chambers of commerce. As a sustainability tool by definition, it will deliver unprecedented learning opportunities, combining non-formal education with a training programme that spans market- oriented reputation opportunities from public relations reputation to digital credibility and corporate reputation. Also, the Learning Hub will empower leaders of European micro and small enterprises and start-ups to increase their knowledge of business reputation through interactive tools, such as the RepUtAction digital self-assessment tool (A6).

The outcome of this activity is the implementation of 2 training sessions involving a total of 30 participants (10 from each partner country). These participants, consisting of young people and leaders of MSMEs and start-ups, will attend training sessions that will initially held in each partner country and will receive certificates of participation. Each training session will comprise 24 hours of structured learning, designed to maximize knowledge acquisition and encourage active participation. The sessions will focus on enhancing skills in corporate reputation, digital credibility, and related areas critical for MSMEs and start-ups.

The second phase of this Activity is the Media Training in Italy , in which the top 3 learnes from each partners country will be given the opportunity to travel to Italy for an additional 2 day training. This program will alternate between workshop sessions on digital credibility and reputation, study visits and networking sessions with Italian best practices.
Overall, the profile of this activity will be purely practical, blending interactive workshops, real world learning experience and collaborative networking to ensure an impactful experience for participants.

Activity A5 involves the drafting of a Handbook for Trainers, designed to provide VET trainers with the tools and
knowledge to effectively implement the RepUtAction curriculum in their training sessions. The handbook ensures that SME and start-up leaders can make the most of the learning modules offered in Activity 2.
The proposed content aims to provide a comprehensive guide dealing with training methodology in the context of corporate reputation. It includes teaching techniques, student engagement strategies, case studies and learning evaluation. The aim is to equipt trainers with an essential tool to improve their skills and broaden their educational
profile in order to ensure top-quality education pathways for SME and start-up leaders.

Activity 6 focuses on the development of the RepUtAction Digital Self-Assessment Tool, an innovative resource designed to help leaders of micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) and start-ups measure their corporate reputation readiness at any time, from any device. This tool will remain accessible for five years after the project concludes, ensuring long-term impact and usability.
The Digital Self-Assessment Tool will provide a dual perspective evaluation system which will first to assess the readiness of small enterprises’ corporate reputation (ex-ante); and to certify their reputation through the awarding of the RepUtAction Badge (ex-post).

Activity 6 focuses on the development of the RepUtAction Digital Self-Assessment Tool, an innovative resource designed to help leaders of micro and small enterprises (MSMEs) and start-ups measure their corporate reputation readiness at any time, from any device. This tool will remain accessible for five years after the project concludes, ensuring long-term impact and usability.
The Digital Self-Assessment Tool will provide a dual perspective evaluation system which will first to assess the readiness of small enterprises’ corporate reputation (ex-ante); and to certify their reputation through the awarding of the RepUtAction Badge (ex-post).

Business  Innovation


Here we will update the users about the next steps of the project, articles, press releases, newsletter!

Stay Tuned!


We welcome you in our project REPUTACTION!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein. 2024-1-IT01-KA210-VET-000248986 

Copyright © 2024 REPUTACTION – Developed and designed by  THE HIVE.

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